Geraldo Azevedo sings in “Dia Branco” (White Day): “If you come whatever comes and come with me, I promise you the Sun, if the Sun comes out today. Or the rain, if the rain falls…” which speaks very well of the energies of August 2023 with the Devil tarot card. Last month, with the Temperance card, we learned about the necessary self-control for change, and now, we begin to realize that the path and perspective we must have in each situation depend solely on us. Whether the Sun comes out or the rain falls, both are equally important.
“The tarot consists of 22 major arcana. Every month and year, through numerology, the energy of a card or arcana governs our path. In the case of August (08) of 2023, the sum is 15 (0+8+2+0+2+3), which corresponds to the Devil arcana, a feared energy, but one that speaks about questioning life, without manipulation and excess, but with a lot of determination and a desire to be shrewd and victorious,” explains Gabu Camacho, an astrologer and tarot reader for almost ten years, dedicated to bringing a contemporary and humanistic approach to tarot and astrology on social media, aiming to integrate these symbols with psychoanalysis and spirituality to help clients find guidance and understanding in their lives.
Causing fear by its name, the Devil speaks about knowing how to balance the social rules of life and what makes us happy, what brings us pleasure. Without excess on either side, we can question and understand the path we wish to follow. “Last month, we had the ability to change using reason, emotion, and spirit. Now, we need to choose which path to follow, without overdoing it,” explains the specialist.
Furthermore, the month of August carries aspects of the Leo sign from its beginning, a factor that brings light, vitality, ambition, self-magnetism, and a lot, but a lot of self-esteem. It’s necessary to balance vanity with the impetus to go out there and do, create.
As Azevedo says in the same song: “And on this white day, if it’s white…” It’s necessary to understand the circumstances that life presents us and use them as instruments to move towards our goals.
For those who want to learn more about how to harness the subtle energies of the universe and the mysteries of the unconscious, Gabu Camacho shares daily tips on social media. Follow @GabuCamacho (Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter) and stay updated on all astral movements.