Complaints Procedure


Last Updated: August, 8 -2023

At D’Idées Magazine, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity and excellence. We take complaints seriously and strive to address any concerns in a fair and timely manner. This Complaints Procedure outlines how we handle complaints and provides information on how to raise an issue with us.

**What is a Complaint?**

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction regarding the content, conduct, or services provided by D’Idées Magazine. This could include issues related to editorial content, advertising, online services, or any aspect of our digital publication.

**How to Raise a Complaint**

If you have a complaint, we encourage you to follow these steps:

1. **Contact Us:** In the first instance, please contact our dedicated complaints team at [email address]. Please provide as much detail as possible about your complaint, including relevant dates, names, and any specific content or articles involved.

2. **Response Time:** We will acknowledge your complaint within [X] working days and aim to provide a full response within [Y] working days. If additional time is needed to thoroughly investigate your concerns, we will inform you accordingly.

3. **Investigation:** Our complaints team will thoroughly review your complaint, including gathering relevant information and consulting relevant individuals involved.

4. **Resolution:** We will respond to your complaint in writing, either by email or mail, outlining our findings and proposed resolution. If necessary, we will detail any steps we intend to take to address the issue.

5. **Appeal:** If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you have the right to request a review of your complaint. This will involve a higher-level review by a senior member of our team.

**Maintaining Transparency**

Throughout the complaints process, we are committed to maintaining transparency and open communication with complainants. We will keep you informed of the progress of your complaint and ensure that you understand the steps we are taking to address it.

**Contact Us**

For complaints or concerns, please contact our complaints team at

**Changes to This Procedure**

We may update this Complaints Procedure as needed. Any changes will be posted on this page, and the “Last Updated” date will reflect the most recent revision.

This Complaints Procedure should be read in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

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